The Grande Chorus FAQ
When and where are the performances?
December 21, February 10, April 21, all at 5:00 at St. Andrews Episcopal Church. (380 Gilchrist Ave., Boca Grande, FL)
Do I have to audition?
No. All who are interested in singing are welcome.
I’d like to sing, but I haven’t sung since high school. Will I be able to keep up?
Yes! Sheet music is distributed and rehearsed each week. Tracks of each part are created by the musical director, and will be emailed to each member for at home rehearsing.
Do I have to commit to all the performances?
No. You can perform in as many as you like.
Can I miss rehearsals and still perform?
Yes, however, your regular attendance is expected with as few absences as possible.
Is there a fee to participate in The Grande Chorus?
There is a registration fee of $175 per session.
Where are rehearsals held?
Various on island venues will be used throughout the season. Venue assignments will be announced prior to each session.
Whom do I contact for more information?
Alan Corey, musical director